To see our many exclusive Jackson Heights listings, simply call our office at (718) 446-6787 or email us at We are constantly servicing our clients and we are on the run, so call us to meet directly at the exclusive property listing.
By Train Directions to Jackson Heights –
You can get to Jackson Heights via the E, F, M, R or 7 trains. Exit at the Roosevelt Avenue – 74th Street station in Jackson Heights and walk one block north to 37th Avenue and you have entered the core of our neighborhood.
By Bus Directions to Jackson Heights –
Jackson Heights is served by the Q32 bus from Manhattan. In Manhattan, the Q32 runs from Penn Station up Madison Avenue, crossing the Queensboro Bridge into Queens. Simply get off at 81st Street and 37th Avenue and you are in the heart of Jackson Heights.
By Car Directions to Jackson Heights –
Jackson Heights is located close to major roadways in northwestern Queens. There is metered parking along 37th Avenue, with alternate-side-of-the-street parking on the side streets and non-commercial avenues. There is also a parking garage on 75th Street, between 37th Avenue and Roosevelt Avenue as well as a parking garage on 82nd Street, between 37th Avenue and 35th Avenues.
Coming from Brooklyn, Manhattan, or any other out-of-town area? Call for exact details – 718-446-6787
- Coming from Brooklyn, Manhattan, or any other out-of-town area?
- Call for exact details – 718-446-6787.
Jackson Heights (Shaded area is the Jackson Heights Historic District)